‘Systematically oppressed’: National Gay Straight Alliance network teaches that capitalism is anti-LGBTQ

The National Gay Straight Alliance (GSA) network teaches that capitalism creates systemic power and leads to oppression of the LGBTQ community, according to public documents.

GSA Network, a student-led LGBTQ group for K-12 education and college, promotes anti-capitalism and the elimination of systems of oppression that begin with white and heterosexual people, according to the documents. The group teaches how “capitalism erases” and will eventually lead to erasing “the entire queer and trans community.” (RELATED: Utah School District Publishes Dozens of Books, Including ‘Gender Queer,’ ‘Two Boys Kissing’)

The GSA says that in society, people with “systemic power” or “privilege” are citizens, or non-natives who are straight, white, and male, according to the documents. The group believes that patriarchy, white supremacy and “colonialist imperialism” are the systems those in power work to oppress members of the LGBTQ and black communities.

The network encourages those involved in the courses to ask “hard questions”, including “in what ways might we be systematically oppressed?” and “Do any of these systems exist in our GSA?” according to the documents.

A GSA Network Board meeting began with attendees reflecting on and answering the question: “what will you miss most after the fall of capitalism?” the documents read. The group goes on to discuss their racial justice plans to help LGBTQ people who are “incarcerated and detained.”

Other resources promoted by the GSA Network include an article titled “How to Change an Education System Built on Racism and Capitalism” and a workshop titled “Money Can’t Buy You Queer: Queerness Against Capitalism” hosted by the Autonomous University of Political Education. , public records showed.

The GSA Network claims that the LGBTQ and black community are oppressed by these systems and people when they are abused or deported at a higher rate than the non-oppressed, according to the documents. The group encourages students and educators to partner with the “trans community” and to “be proactive” in uplifting those in the black community by associating with a “black-led club.”

GSA Network did not immediately respond to the Daily Caller News Foundation’s request for comment.

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