First stage of UN-facilitated consultations for a political process culminates in inspiring visions from Sudanese stakeholders on the way forward [EN/AR] – Sudan

A full month of almost daily sessions with a wide range of groups, including civil society, women’s rights organizations, resistance committees, political parties, young women activists, academics, journalists, youth , persons with disabilities, ex-combatants, diaspora, PPA signatories and experts- concluded this week, marking the end of the first stage of consultations launched by UNITAMS on 8 January.

During his final week, consultations brought together SRSG Perthes and the UNITAMS team with over 35 groups. These include the Office of Unified Doctors, Freedom and Change Forces, Sudan Liberation Movement, Sudanese Alliance, Sudan Liberation Movement 2, Northern States Women’s Groups, of the Center and East, the Sudan Bar Association, the Sudan National Alliance, the Republican Party, the Attorney General, the Revolutionary Front of Sudan, the Sudanese Diaspora, members of the Union of the Deaf, Forces Freedom and Change (National Charter), Chief Justice, Young Women Activists, Alliance of Independent Revolutionary Committees, Representatives of Civil Society Organizations from Eastern Sudan, Sudanese Professionals Association, Alliance of Central States, the National Reform Party, a women’s group and resistance committees of the Blue Nile State, the Forces of Freedom and Change (National Forces), a group of Sufi Sheikhs and members from the Sufi General Complex, representatives of the National Higher Association of Nomads and Herders of Darfur r, the Darfur Region Administration for Internally Displaced and Refugees and youth volunteers supporting peace and recovery in Darfur.

“*The consultation process has been invaluable in allowing us to hear a range of views and proposals from the Sudanese people to overcome the current political crisis. We are grateful for the commitment and enthusiasm of the dozens of group representatives from across Sudan who came to meet with us, engaged constructively and shared their concrete ideas,*” SRSG Perthes said.

At the end of this first stage of the initiative, UNITAMS intends to produce a summary document which will highlight the main areas of consensus between the various Sudanese stakeholders on the contentious issues relating to the transition.