shadow minister criticizes Kathleen Stock for being the administrator of the LGB Alliance | transgender

The shadow Minister for Equalities has entered into controversy over Sussex philosophy professor Kathleen Stock, criticizing the academic’s role as administrator of an activist group accused of campaigning against trans.

Stock has sparked protests against his views on gender identification and was the victim of a poster campaign on the University of Brighton campus last week that accused him of transphobia and called for his dismissal.

Stock said she believes gender identity is no more important than biological sex – “especially when it comes to law and politics” – and that people cannot change their biological sex.

In a letter apparently responding to a voter, Taiwo Owatemi, Labor MP for Coventry North West and shadow Minister for Equalities, said: ‘I am very concerned about [Stock’s] work as a trustee for the LGB Alliance group.

Owatemi said she had read the “strong and principled” demand from the Sussex branch of the University and College Union for a university-wide investigation into “institutional transphobia,” which led Stock to say earlier this week that the union had “effectively ended” him college career in Sussex.

In a subsequent statement, Owatemi said: “I was clear in this letter that I was not passing judgment on Professor Stock’s academic work and calling for action to be taken against her.”

Most of the letter was devoted to Owatemi’s criticism of the LGB Alliance, saying the group “should be rejected by all who believe in equality.” They oppose the reform of the law on gender recognition, which has long been the position of my party and to which we remain committed.

“In addition, the group opposes inclusive LGBT + education [and] think teens shouldn’t have access to puberty blockers (blatantly disregarding the whole concept of “gillick competence”). “

She also claimed that the group had criticized measures to make conversion practices illegal and refused to condemn those who were against same-sex marriages.

“Each of these positions is diametrically opposed to my convictions and the position of my party. I note that an appeal against their charitable status is due to take place next year, and I will follow the case with keen interest. “

LGB Alliance activists and sympathizers rejected these claims. Bev Jackson, one of the alliance’s co-founders and administrator with Stock, described Owatemi’s comments as a “catalog of lies” in a tweet. “Spreading vile lies about a charity is unworthy of any MP, let alone the shadow minister for women and equality,” Jackson wrote.

LGB Alliance was formed two years ago by a group unhappy with the pro-trans positions taken by Stonewall, the LGBT + charity. The alliance advocates for rights “based on sexual orientation, not gender identity” and denies being transphobic.

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