Virtual Presentation: Restoring Sea Otters on the Oregon Coast | Community

Bob Bailey of the Elakha Alliance will discuss the Oregon Sea Otter Feasibility Study on October 14 as part of the Lower Nehalem Watershed Council Lecture Series. This study assessed key considerations around the reintroduction of the sea otter to Oregon, including population dynamics, habitat suitability, ecological considerations, social and economic impacts, legal requirements, logistics, etc.

Bob Bailey is the chairman of the board of directors of the Elakha Alliance. He has spent nearly 40 years in coastal and ocean planning and management for the state of Oregon. The mission of the Elakha Alliance is to restore a healthy population of sea otters on the Oregon coast and thereby make Oregon’s marine and coastal ecosystem more robust and resilient.

Sea otters are a key species whose predation and behavior have a profound effect on the mix of species around them. In their absence, Oregon’s marine ecosystem suffered, becoming ecologically less diverse.

A recording of this presentation will also be posted on the LNWC YouTube channel along with other recorded presentations. Just search for “Lower Nehalem Watershed Council” on YouTube.

Prior to the presentation, the LNWC will hold a board meeting. This is a great opportunity to hear about Lower Nehalem Watershed Council activities, Organizational Health and to communicate with the Council. The board meeting will start at 5 p.m. and end just before the start of the presentation.

Stay tuned for the Lower Nehalem Watershed Lecture Series, more great talks to come:

· October 14: “Restoring Sea Otters on the Oregon Coast” with John Goodell, Elakha Alliance

· November 11: “Using Bird Inventories for Marsh Marsh Habitat Assessment” with Sarah Rhodig, Portland State University

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