By Heather Ruppe
Brantley Strickland began his career at The Press and Standard, working in high school as a sportswriter for the Colleton County community. He then became a sportswriter and editor of the Walterboro newspaper before becoming a sportswriter at the Times and the Democratic newspaper.
The Colleton Prep Academy graduate graduated from the University of South Carolina and left journalism to better his community in a different way, with the SouthernCarolina Alliance. This alliance focuses on the regional economic development of several counties, including Colleton County.
Recently, Strickland was promoted to become the director of economic development for the SouthernCarolina Alliance. In this role, he is able to help his community even more where it matters – bringing new developments and new jobs to his neighbours.
According to its website, the SouthernCarolina Alliance is overseen by a board of directors that represents the counties served by the alliance. These council members work with other entities and leaders in each county to help promote economic development and growth. The alliance also works with heads of state and elected officials.
The purpose of the alliance is broad: it works to promote advanced manufacturing, agriculture, tourism, alternative energy industries, healthcare, aerospace and automotive industries, and education.